Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hockey Daydreams

I've been having such a blast posting photos over on my new blog, Wings and Daydreams!

With birds, it's so much easier because I can just look out my window and snap a few photos of what I see. Whereas with hockey, my options are much more limited. You see, I live almost 4 hours from the nearest NHL team (or any hockey team for that matter!), the San Jose Sharks. As much as I'd like to post pics of cute hockey players here every day, unfortunately there aren't any hanging out in my backyard. If only!

Until I can move somewhere where it's not 90+ degrees seven months out of the year and build a hockey rink in my backyard to attract hockey hunks, I'm content to put out nectar and sunflower seeds and attract creatures of the winged variety.

See, romance can be found in the birding world, too!
So, I invite you to join me over on Wings and Daydreams where I share all of my birding adventures and post my best pics. I've even been tweeting from my new Twitter account and haven't missed a day in over two months! Wonder how long I can keep this streak going...

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